tax reports for

Cryptocate has you covered.

Experience peace of mind.

The cryptocurrency market constantly changes, which is why Cryptocate delivers a reliable and accurate service to our clients.

We stay ahead of cryptocurrency regulation to ensure that you are compliant, and saves you tax dollars.

Our reconciliation process can handle any transaction, so you can invest with peace of mind.


Our reports contain what you need.

Flexible services to suit your needs

Included hours

Suitable for accounts with any transactions.

Tax impact error analysis
In-depth error analysis measured by tax impact.

Included hours

Suitable for accounts with < 500 transactions.

Data verification
1-on-1 assistance to verify the accuracy of your account’s data.

Primary reconciliation
Account reconciliation prioritised by tax impact.

Tax impact error analysis
In-depth error analysis measured by tax impact.

Included hours

Suitable for accounts with < 1000 transactions.

Data verification
1-on-1 assistance to verify the accuracy of your account’s data.

Primary reconciliation
Account reconciliation prioritised by tax impact.

Tax impact error analysis
In-depth error analysis measured by tax impact.

Error fixing reconciliation
Reconciliation of account errors identified in Tax Impact Error Analysis.

DeFi reconciliation
Coverage for all kinds of DeFi activity.

Straightforward, readable reports.

How we work.

Our process covers every single transaction, so no fee goes unclaimed or asset unaccounted for.

We work with your

Cryptocate covers crypto, your accountant covers submission. We support your accountant and handle all crypto-complexity.

Crypto data is complex.

Thankfully, Cryptocate gets crypto. Our crypto tax reports support all types of cryptocurrency transactions and activity.

5 reasons to
work with us.

Our happy clients.

Have questions?

Book an obligation-free discovery call!

Know what you need?

Request a proposal.